I decided to build the ultimate man-cave from pallets. I made this Pallet Bar Featuring Epoxy Penny Top to complete my dream man-cave. The main part of the bar was done with all pallet lumber. I did mix some thin brick with pallet ends to create a unique look. Additionally, I use a lot of pennies to create the bartop pattern, and then covered with epoxy.
Make YOUR Ultimate Man-Cave – and try an idea like this Pallet Bar Featuring Epoxy Penny Top!
New pennies gave me a good copper shine while the old ones gave me a tarnished border. I wanted more color for contrast, so I used old science tricks to turn the pennies gold and silver. After cleaning, sorting, and gluing the pennies down all facing the same direction, I poured a 5/8 ” layer of epoxy over them. It took four pours to get the thickness the way I wanted without bubbles. Just follow the directions on the epoxy mix you use. If you want to see the penny color-changing trick, here’s a YouTube video:
Now all you need is an awesome Kegerator!
Read Pallet Bar Featuring Epoxy Penny Top by Danielyarnell on 1001 Pallets!