I made this Simple Pallet Potting Bench from pallets I get from a local soft-drink distributor. Additionally, sometimes I go out and look for broken pallets. Broken ones are great for bird houses and for use as ornamental wood parts.
When we say Simple Pallet Potting Bench, we mean it: you only need a few tools to make this!
I have just a few tools: 5 1/2″ circular saw, two drills, saws-all, rotating sander with #60 grit, the rest are hand-tools. I use deck screws (no nails) with a predrilled hole —so, wood doesn’t split and not much else. I leave the natural wood and sand tops and front wood to round corners and get rid of splinters, as much as possible without going overboard in my time.
These benches would be great in a garage or man cave too. Here’s an idea for some Pallet Tool Storage. Here’s a DIY video to make a Pallet Chair too!
Read Simple Pallet Potting Bench / Work Bench by Neokentin on 1001 Pallets!